
welcome to

Dramania is a project of it's time.

The year 2020 has thrown up a situation few us could ever have dreamed of except in diaster movies.

A pandemic that has shook the world and our small part of it.

A world where words like lockdown and social distancing have become regular conversation.

In many ways it can for the individual be summed up as the time of uncertainty.

Dramania takes over from where act4ward leaves off - taking into account the time that is now.

Gone are the immediate plans for summer location filming - for group activity and work in the theatre or schools.

Drama and performance is taking quite a kicking.

So Dramania is built with these facts in mind and planning around what we can do encouraging young people to perform within drama, and work within creative process. To encourage and celebrate all the good things that can be had by taking part in drama.

We should here perhaps qualify what drama means within Dramania.

Drama should be for everybody to at least try - but many avoid it or are frightened by it. The very thing it offers more freedom and personal self confidence - is often the reason for not wanting to take part - it's daunting.

Many on the autistic spectrum have unique creative minds so well suited to drama and creative work - but are help back by self doubts. They should not worry - here at the station we go at your pace and get you there.

I keep saying creative because it may be your talent is writing or directing - it all counts and it's all encouraged.

With no school drama for sometime to come the project allows again younger participants into the work - pupils who otherwise may miss out of the fun that drama can be and the confidence building it can create.

Another point I have found is in favour of this approach to drama is that it makes no demands to sing or dance.

These two activities can alone cause someone to avoid drama - which I understand personally because i felt exactly the same when I did drama at school. Any sign of dancing then I was out of there!

Dramania makes no demands for someone wanting to become an actor professionally - but does not exclude those who do.

The core open series work which most are invited to take part in is a community project and does not charge to take part.

In return those taking part are featured within the public display of the work.

Currently most work will take place at The Station in Bedfordshire - just off junction 14 of the M1.

Everything is set to be very informal, simple in concept and as already stated it should be fun.

Welcome to Dramania.


Dave [William David]

July 2020 






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Screenshot with James D from video    6/20

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dramania uk

Please ensure you can travel to Bedfordshire if wishing to take part unless casting states an alternative location.